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Programs : Brochure

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  • Locations: Mannheim, Germany
  • Program Terms: Academic Year
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: CSU International Programs 
Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Academic Year 2025-2026 02/15/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Provider: CSU International Programs Program Type: Study Abroad
Click here for a definition of this term Minimum Class Standing Eligibility: Junior 60+ Minimum GPA: 3.2
Click here for a definition of this term Field(s) of Study: Business Admin: Management, Business Admin: Marketing, Business Administration, Economics, German, Political Science Financial Aid: California Aid, Federal Aid, Grants (if applicable), Loans, Scholarships
Language of Instruction: English, German
Program Description:
Germany I Germany II

Germany: Business Honors at University of Mannheim

For detailed information regarding deadlines and how to apply, go the the CSU International Programs website here.


Program Highlights

City: One of the most significant cultural centers of Germany, Mannheim serves as the core of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region, which regularly contributes over 75 million euros to the German economy.

University: As the "Harvard of Germany", the University of Mannheim has international appeal—one in five students here come from abroad, and the Business School is listed as one of the top 25 MBA providers in the world.

Academics: Earn Major, Minor, and General Education credit.

Tuition: Same tuition cost as home CSU campus.

Language of Instruction: English, German


About the University of Mannheim

The University of Mannheim is a research university that boasts one of the top-rated business programs in Germany. Many international corporations have operations in the city, including Daimler AG, John Deere, Caterpillar, IBM, Unilever, and Siemens, and many more. In a city with a competitive business environment and culture of innovation and growth, the University of Mannheim maintains strong partnerships with leading businesses and ranks as a top 20 European research institution. CSU IP's programs in Germany are administered by full-time local CSU staff.

The program begins with an intensive six-week Intensive Language Program (ILP) in Horb, a small town near Tübingen. The PLP is a German language and culture course focusing on grammar, composition, and conversation, as well as an introduction to German culture. Students then move to Mannheim to continue their studies in business. Students take one German language course each semester in addition to their business courses.

For detailed information regarding deadlines and how to apply, go the the CSU International Programs website here.