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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Paris, France
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: AIFS Abroad 
Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Summer 2025 04/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission 05/17/2025 07/13/2025
Fall 2025 04/15/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Provider: Global Experiences Program Type: Study Abroad with Internship
Click here for a definition of this term Minimum Class Standing Eligibility: Graduate, Junior 60+, Sophomore 30+ Click here for a definition of this term Field(s) of Study: Accounting, Art-History, Art: Studio, Business Admin: Finance, Business Admin: Marketing, Business Administration, Business Information Systems, Comm Design: Graphic Design, Comm Design: Mass Comm, Communications, Economics, Geography, Interior Architecture & Design, Journalism, Marketing, Political Science, Recreation Admin: Tourism
Language of Instruction: English, French
Program Description:

Full Time Internship | Paris

In the words of Audrey Hepburn, “Paris is always a good idea”, and our team at AIFS Abroad completely agree. Iconic architecture such as Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower, the Michelin Star restaurants, the sparkle of beauty and mysterious elegance, all make Paris a featured destination for world travelers. With so many things to see and do Paris is an ideal location for interns wanting to stay in one location, but living in a metropolitan city opens up access to travel Europe.

Some of the most sought after internships are in Fashion, International Business, Marketing, and International Politics. Placements are not limited to these career fields and vary depending on your career goals. French language skills are useful, but placements are also available for English speakers.

An addition to our Internships in Paris program there is a language course before your start date. Paris, the city of lights, is an inspiring and mesmerizing location offering many opportunities, and the work week is only 35hrs!


City of Paris


Located within walking distance from the housing there are stops for the nearby Metro, RER, Tram, and Bus to take around the city. Don’t be caught going in circles, unlike most grid patterns of city streets, Paris is divided in a spiral shape with 20 districts.


Paris is a city with four seasons; however it is rare to have extreme hot or cold temperatures. Pack your rain boots & umbrella, because rain is common throughout the year.


France is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time and 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.

Learn more about internships

What Makes AIFS Abroad different?

Career Readiness

Professional development is at the foundation of our preparation for participants' time abroad. We utilize the Clifton Strengths assessment as a tool to help all participants understand themselves better, provide a vocabulary around their natural talents, and deepen the impact of their experience abroad.

Access, Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity (AIDE)

As an organization we are committed to ensuring all identities are able to thrive in an inclusive global educational environment. Everyone has a complex identity, and the different aspects of your identity are important when deciding on a program and location. Review our Social Identity Pages to assist you when selecting a program that best fits your interests and needs.
Student Resources


We are the first education abroad provider to sign on with the Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE). Focused on making education abroad carbon neutral, we include carbon offsets for all participants' return flights, environmental education connecting students on the ground to environmental projects, and make our own business practices more sustainable.

Request Information


  • Guaranteed internship placement
  • Career readiness program
  • Clifton Strengths assessment
  • Coaching call with certified Gallup Clifton Strengths coach
  • Pre-departure advising
  • Interview preparation
  • Housing
  • Onsite Resident Director
  • Cultural & Social Activities
  • Excursions & day trips
  • 24/7 Emergency Support
  • Comprehensive insurance
  • Carbon offsets
  • and more.


  • Group flight package
  • Airport transfer
  • Additional excursions


  • House and Gardens of Claude Monet
  • Palace of Versailles


AIFS funding, combined with other sources of financial support students can access, will help make international education goals attainable. Find out more about what we have to offer.

Learn more about funding


Credit can be obtained through our School of Record, Fairfield University. Earn up to 12 credits during the summer or semester. Some universities require credit to be earned, and we cannot change a university’s requirement.